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How to include permaculture in your garden design

To maximise the return, it’s a good idea to have a plan of what to sow and when, so that you can aim to have produce for most of the year. And why not include a cut flower garden too!? Your own cut flowers throughout the summer. Divine!

If you’re going to have a greenhouse or raised beds (great for gardens with clay or poor soil), it’s a good idea to locate these in a sunny spot to maximise the day lengths and exposure to sunshine – essential for the successful cropping of your fruit and vegetables.

Growing fruit and vegetables can feel complicated and messy. But it needn’t be the case. There are so many modern and stylish options for greenhouses, raised beds, veg trugs, obelisks and trellis, that adding permaculture to your new garden can be done in a way that is visually rewarding as well as reaping the benefits of growing and eating your own produce; sown, grown and tended to by your very own hands.

As a Garden Designer who has studied RHS Level 2 certificates in Horticulture, I can assist with planting plans and practical advice to help you achieve what you want from ‘growing your own’ as well as guiding you on what to locate where within your garden design objectives.

Contact me today for a free consultation on how to get the best from your garden.

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